6 Tactical Steps for Booking Bigger and Better Podcast Guests


“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

― Michael Jordan

If you do interviews, have you landed your dream guest yet? 

How many times have you tried to reach out or network your way to extend an invitation?
I’ve got some tips for you. Last April, I gave a TED talk-style podcast presentation on “6 Tactical Steps for Booking Bigger and Better Podcast Guests” at the PodPros Q2 Event.

It was a great event with plenty of learning and a keynote by Jordan Harbinger.

You can watch the video replay or listen to the audio podcast.

Here’s a summary of my top tips.

Begin with goal setting. Write down who you would like to book on your podcast. Write down 10 potential guests and be sure to make some big audacious goals. Have fun with this process.

No. 1 Start with your own network

See who in your circle of acquaintances might be considered potential podcast guests. Look at your family and friends first.

Let people in your social circle know you’re looking for guests. It’s only a matter of time before you get referrals and introductions.

No. 2 Join Podmatch

What if you’re too shy to ask your own network, or you don’t want to let people know you have a podcast just yet? In that case, PodMatch comes in handy. It’s a great platform for finding guests. Whether your show just launched or you’ve been at it for almost five years like me, I’ve booked great guests through PodMatch, and it’s super easy to use.

No. 3 Check out who’s appearing on other podcasts

When I listen to other podcasts and come across a guest I’d like to have on my show, I send them an invitation. It works! This is how I landed Tony Horton, the pioneer of the famous P90X workout. Spot who is doing podcast interviews already and send an invite.

No. 4 Timing is everything

Be on the lookout for public figures who are promoting a new project, such as a book, movie, or TV show. Barnes & Noble is a fantastic place to look for new releases, and even better “coming soon” books.

No. 5 Make friends with publicists and podcast bookers

Turn those email pitches from SPAM into a secret weapon. I used to ignore 98% of email pitches until I realized the mistake I was making. I was missing out on the opportunity to tell podcast bookers and publicists exactly what kind of guest I was interested in!

Once you start receiving better pitches, book guests with the help of a podcast booker or publicist. Then, send that person feedback afterward and thank them for making the interview happen. They’re usually very active in scheduling and monitoring the entire process. You can ask who else they work with and find out if there are any other good potential guests.

No. 6 Attend live events and conferences

Take advantage of going to a conference by interviewing keynote speakers, session speakers, or even other attendees at the conference. All you need is a mobile podcasting rig that includes a recording device and some microphones.

Many public figures, often think to themselves, “While I’m there, I might as well do a podcast recording.” I’ve done this at Podcast Movement, Inbound, FinCon, and even at a LinkedIn event. Not only has it allowed me to land guests that would have been hard to schedule otherwise, but it also gives you the opportunity to record 5, 6, or 7 interviews at a time.

Go out there and book amazing guests. The worst thing that can happen is that you’ll get a no. I’m willing to bet that if you invite early and often, you’ll be surprised by who says “Yes!”

Who is a great guest that you booked recently? What tips can you share? Share a comment.

About the author


Andy is host of Inspired Money, named by Forbes as a Top 10 Personal Finance Podcast. He has conducted over 325 interviews as a host -- including booking, pre-interview research, and post-production. Andy has spoken at Inbound, Podfest, FinCon, Podcast Movement, and is co-founder of the Asian American Podcasters Association.

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By Andy



Andy is host of Inspired Money, named by Forbes as a Top 10 Personal Finance Podcast. He has conducted over 325 interviews as a host -- including booking, pre-interview research, and post-production. Andy has spoken at Inbound, Podfest, FinCon, Podcast Movement, and is co-founder of the Asian American Podcasters Association.

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